Cooperation with "KOFIH" International Health Fund (Republic of Korea).
Within the framework of cooperation, the project of equipping Orta Chirchik children's hospital with medical equipment in the amount of 500,000 US dollars was implemented.
In order to improve the fund's medical and social patronage system, in 2009, the Hyundai mobile clinic equipped with medical equipment and in 2013, the Hyundai Starex ambulance were transferred to the Fund.
In 2011, the project of building a new building of the Foundation's medical and social center and equipping it with modern medical equipment was implemented, and the employees of the Center were trained in medical institutions in Korea. At the same time, the amount of the project was 560,000 US dollars.
During the years 2007-2012, 30 health specialists were trained in the Republic of Korea on the basis of donations within the framework of the doctor's training program.
In 2015, the project of providing medicine to more than 3 thousand 473 people in the amount of 62.9 thousand US dollars was implemented for the medical examination of the residents of Tashkent region.
In 2016-2017, a seminar on the use of medical equipment was held at the base of the Republican Emergency Medical Research Center in order to improve the qualifications of the engineers of the healthcare system of Uzbekistan, covering 82 engineering and technical specialists of the republic.
"Save the Children" (Republic of Korea) - within the framework of the memorandum of understanding signed in 2011, the project of equipping the surgical and resuscitation departments of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute clinic of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan with medical equipment and medicines in the amount of 47.2 thousand US dollars was implemented. increased.
in 2011-2016. On the basis of the clinic of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, a project was carried out to carry out surgical operations on 247 children diagnosed with congenital heart disease with the help of oxygenators and lines provided by this organization.
In January 2016, "Save the Children" organization donated material assets in the form of a building, two cars and office furniture and accessories with a total value of 102.2 million soums to the assets of the Fund for a Healthy Generation.
Cooperation with "Suadjin" and "Sedjong" hospitals (Republic of Korea).
Within the framework of the contract signed on May 3, 2018, the project of conducting free surgical operations for children selected during the medical examination at the clinic of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the elimination of congenital heart diseases was implemented. In particular, in 2018-2019, 68 children underwent medical examination and 19 children underwent free surgery.
Cooperation with the international organization "Probono International Cooperation" (Republic of Korea).
Within the framework of the contract signed on September 13, 2016, the project of medical examination of the residents of Olim regions of Tashkent region was carried out by the specialists of the interregional medical and social assistance group of the Fund.
In 2016-2017, 3461 residents were covered and they were provided with generous assistance in the form of medicines and medical supplies worth more than 130 million soums.
Cooperation with medical school of "Ewha Women's University" (Republic of Korea).
Within the framework of the contract signed on January 9, 2014, the project of medical examination of the country's population was carried out by Korean doctors.
During 2014-2017, 3,467 residents underwent medical examinations and were provided with generous assistance in the form of medicines and medical supplies.
Cooperation with Severance Hospital at Yonsei University (Republic of Korea)
In 2014, within the framework of cooperation, a project of medical examination of more than 700 residents, distribution of medicines in the form of humanitarian aid, and ophthalmological examination of 2237 children was carried out.
In the period from May 28 to June 1, 2017, within the framework of cooperation, a project was carried out by Korean specialists to perform operations with congenital and acquired pathologies of the face and limbs (post-burn contractures of the face and limbs, abnormalities of the face and limbs). Thus, a total of 401 children were examined and operated on 35 children within the framework of the charity event.
Cooperation with "Pundan Cha" Hospital and "Sejong" Hospital of "JCI" International Organization (Republic of Korea)
Within the framework of the tripartite agreement concluded between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JCI Korea international youth organization, Pundan Cha hospital at Cha Medical University, and the "Healthy Generation" fund, during 2009-2019 at the clinic of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, 275 patients with heart disease underwent medical examination, of which 87 children were successfully operated in clinics of the Republic of Korea based on donations.
Cooperation with "Siloam Center For The Blind" charitable organization (Republic of Korea)
In 2015-2018, the following projects were implemented within the framework of cooperation: a specialized school for the blind in Tashkent, a specialized school for disabled children No. 58 in Ohangaron, and a specialized school No. 70 in Yangiyol, with a total cost of 105.7 thousand US dollars material and technical base was strengthened. A total of 2,000 crutches in the amount of 14,700 US dollars were presented to the population of the republic with limited means and in need of social protection. Within the framework of cooperation, a project of conducting 31 charity operations on cataract removal and lens replacement was implemented for the needy residents of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
3 ophthalmologists from the Republic of Karakalpakstan and 8 doctors from the field of rehabilitation and physiotherapy have received training in the Republic of Korea.
In the ophthalmology hospital of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 45 patients with vitreoretinal pathology were examined and 6 complex ophthalmological operations were performed free of charge.
Special rehabilitation equipment and inventories were handed over to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation in the amount of 45,000 US dollars in the form of humanitarian aid, and a charity concert of the Korean traditional musical orchestra for the blind was organized at the State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan named after A. Navoi.
Cooperation with In Ha University Hospital
(Republic of Korea)
Within the framework of the tripartite agreement on cooperation in the field of health signed in September 2010 between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the In Ha University Hospital and the "For a Healthy Generation" foundation, a total of 8430 residents were examined by specialists of the In Ha University Hospital in 2010-2018 , 10 of which were operated in clinics of the Republic of Korea.
In addition, humanitarian aid shipments in the form of medicines and medical supplies with a total value of 224,000 US dollars were received from this hospital.
"Vision Care" international organization and "POSCO DAEWOOl"
Cooperation with Corporation (Republic of Korea)
From 2014 to 2018, Korean "Vision Care" ophthalmologists, with the financial support of "POSCO DAEWOOl" Corporation, conducted medical examinations of a total of 5,699 people in the multidisciplinary medical centers of Bukhara and Fergana regions, and performed cataract removal and lens replacement operations on 848 of them as a donation. .
Everyone who was examined by doctors was given the appropriate medicines prescribed by doctors and many were prescribed glasses and medicines to preserve their vision.